enigma-3d is my first attempt to do a little graphics API and game engine for Rust. Please be aware that I'm not a professional graphics programmer, so the code is most likely butchering some conventions. I also don't take care of performance at the moment. That said, I have the following features working:
Feature List:
- Model loading from GLTF and OBJ
- Opaque and Transparent rendering
- Material, Shader, Shape, Object Abstractions
- PBR Shading
- 3 Step customizable Render Pipeline: Vertex -> Geometry -> Fragment
- Texturing, Normals, Vertex Colors
- Up to 4 Point or Directional Lights per Objects. As many Lights as one wishes in the Scene
- One Ambient Light
- A Camera
- A simple Event System to inject a generic Function type alongside Keycodes and Keycode-Modifiers into the EventLoop. At the moment events get processes one by one in sequence
- A simple Update system based on either time or delta time, to inject a generic function type into the Update loop. At the moment, functions get processed one by one in sequence
- Screen to World positions
- Raycasting
- Box Colliders
- A default selection system
- A generic Postprocessing system to write postprocessing effects and inject them into the renderloop
- Skybox and sky reflections
- GUI integration
- Loading resources from macros to include them into the built application
- Arbitrary Data dictionary within the application, to store and access any kind of data within the game loop
- Serialization and Deserialization of Scene Objects into and from JSON
- Optimization: Cached Textures
- Optimization: Shared Materials
- Optimization: Instanced Objects batched into one Draw call
How to install and run:
For an installation guide, please refer to the GitHub. Please be aware that you need to compile the project with rust. Cargo should be of great help.

Example Game:
A first little game, developed with enigma, can be found here: https://github.com/JeremiasMeister/enigma-flappy-bird keep in mind, it was originally developed with an older version of enigma-3d and will most likely not compile anymore. But you can always checkout the built release for windows